Official release of the series about the ARA San Juan on Netflix
Finally, the trailer and the announcement for the release of the Netflix documentary series about the ARA San Juan are out. We can officially announce that the documentary series about…
February 22, 2024
Nominees to the Cóndor de Plata for Series 2023
On the 9th of October, the Argentine Film Critics Association will present the Silver Condor Awards for Series in the Sala Argentina of the Centro Cultural Kirchner. On their second…
September 28, 2023
Nominated to the Martín Fierro!
Our series, Héroes Silenciosos, has been nominated for Best Documentary Series. Hosted by Carolina “Pampita” Ardohain and Joaquín “El Pollo” Álvarez, the complex Parque Norte will be the setting where…
October 10, 2022